Welcome to the Management for Users in ROCS (MUR) application. Use this web tool to add and manage your scientific proposals.

CAT regular proposals can be submitted twice per year (autumn and spring) to be executed in the following semester (January-June and July-December, respectively). This applies both to the Telescopi Joan Oró (TJO) and to the Telescopi Fabra-ROA Montsec (TFRM).

DDT proposals can be submitted at any time to the TJO only for science cases requiring a fast response, and feedback is provided within two working days after submission.

2024B Call for proposals: CAT proposals can be submitted until 2024 May 10 at midnight through the MUR system for observations from 2024 July 1 to December 31. Technical details on the telescopes and instruments can be found at the Call for Proposals.

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