Phase 2 help pageThe main goal of Phase 2 is to define how and when the observations required to fulfill an observing proposal need to be done. The definition of the observations is grouped into observation sequences. These sequences contain all the required information that the telescope will use to perform the observations. Phase 2 is designed to provide the observer a way to define one or more sequences through four steps:
The information provided in the Phase 2 forms is continuously saved to the OdM database and, therefore, a permanent Internet connection is required to fill in the Phase 2 forms. The information provided in Phase 2 can be edited at any time as long the proposal is active. In addition, a given sequence can also be edited at any time as long as it has not been executed. Observations will be queued into the observation plan as soon as the Enabled button is selected in Step 4. TargetsThe introduction of targets follows the same procedure as the one already used in Phase 1. The observer can introduce any number of desired targets to observe. By default, those targets already introduced in Phase 1 are also present in Phase 2. As in Phase 1, two procedures can be used to introduce new targets: Add target and Add several targets. Add targetNew targets can be introduced one by one by clicking on Add target. Three fields must be filled for each target:
Add several targetsWhen observing a large number of targets is desired, introducing all the targets one by one may become extremely tedious. Therefore, targets can be introduced as properly formatted text by clicking at Add several targets.
Observing constraintsThe targets specified at Step 1 should be observed under certain sky conditions. PI can specify any number of observing constraints. These will be matched to particular targets at Step 4.
Sky brightnessSpecifies the largest sky illumination for an observation to be executed. Two constraints can be selected:
SeeingSpecifies the worst seeing value for an observation to be executed. Final seeing values on the astronomical images are used and, therefore, take into account dome turbulence and telescope optics. However, they do not consider airmass effects and it is defined in V band filter. To better understand this value, it can be considered that an exposure is taken pointing at zenith in V band filter. The resulting FWHM is the seeing value. Three seeing constraints are possible:
Please, note that the good seeing conditions will limit the number of nights to less than 50% of the possible nights. In case that you require different seeing constraints (e.g.: seeing below three arcsec), please send a request using the Contact Form. Cloud coverFor some scientific projects, excellent sky conditions are not always required and thin veils or clouds are also valid for observation. Therefore, two constraints can be selected:
Solar elevationThe most usual Solar Elevation constraint will be to observe only when the Sun is well below horizon (at Night Time). However, in some cases, observations with some solar illumination might also be allowed. Please, note that this constraint refers only to science images and not to calibration exposures (i.e.: flats). Five constraints can be selected:
Moon distanceThe minimum angular distance to the Moon in degrees. This value is particularly useful when observing in bright sky. AirmassThe airmass range for observations to be taken. By definition, minimum values must be larger than one. Hour angleSome observations, apart from the airmass, may require targets to be close to the meridian or at a certain hour angle. The values specified here should be in hours. DelayThere are two ways to introduce time constraints in a given observation: Delay and Windows. The Delay fields (before and after) can be used to introduce relative time delays (in hours) between consecutive observations. It is important to properly distinguish the delays defined for sequences (at Step 4) from the delays defined for Observing constraints (Step 2). Please visit the Examples page for further information. WindowsIn order to specify when a particular observation has to be executed using an absolute time definition, one or several Windows can be defined. By default, all Observing constraints have a Window starting at the date of proposal acceptance (or at the beginning of the semester) and ending at the end of the semester. Additional Windows can be used to specify certain ephemeris (e.g., eclipses, transits, bursts, etc.).
In case that several Windows are defined, the allowed execution time will be the intersection of all the Windows. Therefore, the PI should be careful that the resulting Window is large enough to allow the acquisition of all the required images, as defined in Step 3. Some Window examples are provided in the Examples page. Instrument configurationsEach target requires an instrumental configuration to be observed. Any number of Instrument configurations can be defined. These will be matched with Targets and Observing constraints at Step 4. InstrumentTwo instruments can be selected: MEIA3 and ARES. For technical reasons, LAIA is called MEIA3 in MUR. Please, visit the instrumentation web page for further information. Target typeThe type of images to be taken. When including calibration images, these will be considered part of the proposal and, therefore, the time required to complete them will be charged to the proposal time. In case that no calibration images are defined, the calibration images taken during the standard calibration procedure for each instrument (LAIA/MEIA3 and ARES) will be provided. Currently, four types of images can be taken:
Follow typeIn some specific cases, the PI may want to observe an object, not following the object movement, but some other type of movement. Therefore, the telescope tracking can be defined using three Follow types:
DitheringIn case that several exposures with slightly different telescope pointings (e.g., to make a mosaic) are required, they can be specified through different Targets, or the Dither fields can be used. The dithers are defined by selecting a Dither pattern, a Dither (RA) and an Dither (Dec). The dither values (in degrees), correspond to the maximum size of the pattern. For further information, some examples are also provided in the Examples page. DefocusFor bright sources, it may be useful to defocus the telescope. The defocusing amount is automatically determined to avoid saturating the brightest source in the field. In case that defocusing is required, the Defocus check box should be marked. Defocus will be ignored for ARES observations. ExposuresThe number of exposures to be taken when using the current Instrument configuration. All the exposures will be taken consecutively. In case that a Dither pattern is defined, Exposures will be taken for each one of the different pointings defined. Exposure timeThe exposure time for each one of the exposures defined in the current Instrument configuration. An exposure time calculator exists, to estimate the exposure time. Different exposure times should be defined in different Instrument configurations. In case that non-photometric conditions exist, the Adapt time check box can be marked to allow an increase in the exposure time to reach the desired S/N. The maximum increase in the exposure time will be determined by the need to fit the entire sequence within the specified Windows or the same night. BinningCurrently, two binnings can be specified for LAIA/MEIA3 and ARES: 1x1 and 2x2. Please, note that binning ARES spectra will result in ~1 pixel per resolution element. SubframeAround 8 seconds are required to read the whole LAIA/MEIA3 CCD. In case that a faster read-out is desired, the CCD area to be read can be reduced as desired with a Subframe value (in pixels). The Subframe value is the number of pixels in each direction (rows and columns) to be read around the center of the CCD. The subframe value is applied before binning. So, to read the whole CCD, a default value of 4096 is used (the CCD has 4096x4108 pixels), regardless of the binning used. It is important to remind that the pointing accuracy of the TJO is between 1 and 2 arcminutes (almost 350 pixels). Therefore, a Subframe value smaller than 700 pixels is strongly discouraged. For ARES, the Subframe option is also offered to cut the desired wavelength range. However, little gain is obtained when using subframe and, therefore, using the default value is recommended. FilterTen different filters can be selected for LAIA/MEIA3: Johnson-Cousins U, B, V, R and I, SDSS g, r, i, and z and H alpha (650-664 nm). In addition, exposures can also be taken without filter. Please, visit the exposure time calculator to determine the Exposure time for each filter Two VPHs can be selected for ARES: Red and Green. In addition, the PI can choose whether to include a calibration exposure between the two sky fibers. Three possible calibration exposures can be selected:
SequencesSequences are the core of the Phase 2 definition. The telescope expects observations to be provided in sequences and therefore, defining sequences is equivalent to queue an observation to be done. Once a sequence is enabled (by checking the Enable button) the sequence will be automatically queued at the telescope without any human interaction. An enabled sequence can be edited at any time, as long it has not been executed at the telescope. After execution, the sequence will be blocked and the PI will no longer be allowed to edit it. Even though, a blocked sequence, can always be disabled (by clicking again the Enable button). Therefore, in case that any sequence is wrongly defined, it can always be disabled. In order to define sequences, a new model (that we call the TOI model) is used. Each observation involves the combination of three elements: Targets, Observing constraints and Instrument configurations (a TOI). The three elements are designed to tell the telescope: what (Target), how (Instrument configuration) and when (Observing constraint) an observation has to taken. TOIs are the atomic unit for the MUR and telescope system and, therefore, a TOI must fit into all the constraints specified in the corresponding Observing constraints. A complete observing sequence can be defined by combining one or several TOIs. In addition to TOIs, an observing sequence also requires a certain amount of iterations, with a certain delay between them, to be executed at certain times. All these parameters (explained below) apply to the whole sequence and, contrary to Observing constraints (applied to a single TOI), they treat the whole sequence as a single TOI. PriorityThe PI can define a certain priority in case that two or more sequences of the same proposal can be observed at the same time. By default, a value of zero indicates the minimum possible priority and the PI can increase priority for a sequence without any limit. When several sequences of the same proposal can be executed at the same time, the one having the highest priority will be executed first. It is important not to confuse this priority value with the priority of your proposal. This priority value is designed to define what sequences should be executed first. The priority value of your proposal is defined by the CAT (from 0 to 10) and defines what proposal should be executed preferentially. IterationsThe number of times that a sequence has to be executed. Any number larger than zero can be used, but the sequence will only be executed when the proposal has some time available. In addition, when the sequence has to be executed as long as there is time available, the "Full time" check box can be marked for this purpose. DelayIn case that more than one iteration is requested, the minimum time between two successive executions of the same sequence can be specified (in hours). This field is specially useful in case that a sequence has to be executed, for example, once/twice per night/week/month. Please, note that a Delay only specifies that the same sequence cannot be executed with a separation shorter than Delay, but does not guarantee that it will be executed after the Delay. It is important to properly distinguish the delays defined for sequences (at Step 4) from the delays defined for Observing constraints (Step 2). Please visit the Examples page for further information. EquationEquations indicate what to be observed and how. Therefore, they are the most important element of a sequence. The minimum element of an equation is the combination of one Target, one Observing constraint and one Instrument configuration (a TOI). The combination is done by typing a Several TOIs can be related thanks to seven different operators:
In addition, in case that the telescope pointing is not important (e.g., to take bias), the Required max time and Required min timeIn order to better define the observation sequences, a calculator provides the minimum and maximum times required to complete the sequence specified in the Equation field. Times are computed by adding, for each TOI, the corresponding concepts:
The minimum time corresponds to the execution of the fewer number of TOIs possible, without considering overheads due to telescope pointing VPH/filter change. The maximum time adds the maximum number of TOIs that can be executed, supposing that the telescope has to be pointed and the filter changed. EnabledTo submit a sequence to the observatory for execution, the Enabled button must be checked. Sequences can be edited at any time, but no modifications are allowed to already executed sequences. If you want to stop observing a wrongly defined sequence that still has some iterations left, the Enabled button can always be unchecked to disable the sequence. Live DataTo get raw images in real-time, the live raw images button must be checked. The images will be provided in Phase 3. The option to enable this feature is given in Phase 1 at proposal definition. |