Database policyStorage
According to the Spanish law "Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de Diciembre, de Protección de Datos (LOPD)", the information stored in this database can be considered a public access source ("Fuentes accesibles al público"), since it contains only lists of persons belonging to professional groups. Therefore, all the information stored in the database (e.g., address, telephone, fax, etc.) will be considered professional data. Professional data retrieved from the OdM (Observatori del Montsec) web page ( are stored in a restricted and secure database owned by the Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC). Usage
Professional data is going to be used exclusively for the retrieval and management of the proposals submitted to the OdM web page. This includes the complete access by the CAT ("Comité d'Assignació de Temps") to all the submitted proposals and the publication of the entire content of the accepted proposals. Access
Access to the professional data not included in the proposals, will be restricted to the president, the project manager and the technical staff of the OdM. The Principal Investigator and the Collaborators included in a proposal have exclusive access to the scientific data obtained as part of their proposal. The exclusive access will expire one year after the acquisition of the data. After the exclusive access period, the data will be made available to the general public. The president, the project manager and the technical staff of the OdM and of the SVO (Spanish Virtual Observatory) can also access the data obtained as part of any proposal at any time. However, the access will be restricted to the general operations of the OdM and, by no means, the data can be provided to third persons or entities before the end of the exclusive access period. Modification
The user has the rights to create, modify and delete the professional data stored in the database. Veracity
Information provided by the user must be truthful. In most cases, the provided data will be checked. Fraudulent or incorrect information will imply the automatic cancellation of the user account. Contact
Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC) c/ Gran Capità, 2-4, despatx 201 08034 Barcelona (Spain) oadm ![]() |