OdM Call for Proposals for Semester 2025A

The Observatori del Montsec (OdM) opens a Call for Proposals to apply for observation time at the 80-cm diameter Telescopi Joan Oró (TJO) with the MEIA2 and LAIA cameras and the ARES spectrograph. In addition, in collaboration with the Observatori Fabra of RACAB, the OdM opens a Call for Proposals to apply for observation time at the 50-cm diameter Telescopi Fabra-ROA Montsec (TFRM), which is a modified Baker-Nunn Camera.

Proposals can be submitted until 2024 November 8 at midnight through the MUR system (see below) for observations from 2025 January 1 to June 30 (regular proposals) and for the period 2025-2026 (long-term proposals, for the TJO only).

Information for the TJO proposals:
  • Individual proposals are expected to request a maximum of 100 hours of observation time for the TJO.
  • The MEIA2 camera will be offered at the start of the semester and is expected to be replaced by the LAIA camera as soon as we receive it back from the manufacturer (currently under repair).
  • MEIA2 is a 2k x 2k back-illuminated camera that provides a Field of View (FoV) of 12.3' x 12.3' and a resolution of 0.36"/pixel.
  • LAIA is a 4k x 4k back-illuminated camera that provides a non-vigneted circular FoV of 30' and a resolution of 0.4"/pixel.
  • Both cameras are operated with a filter wheel containing Johnson-Cousins UBVRcIc, SDSS (g, r, i, z) and H alpha (650-664 nm) filters. In addition to raw images, reduced data with absolute astrometry and differential photometry are provided for both cameras.
  • ARES has a spectral resolution of 12000 and can operate with two different VPHs that provide two different spectral windows: 495-530 nm (including the MgI triplet) and 630-673 nm (including the H alpha line). ARES is offered on a shared-risk basis due to the lack of a complete pipeline.
Information for the long-term TJO proposals:
  • Individual proposals are expected to request a maximum of 700 hours of observation time. Long-term proposals requesting a modest amount of observation time during the 2-year period can also be submitted.
  • The same cameras, filters and spectrograph specified for the regular proposals will be offered for the long-term proposals.
Information for the TFRM proposals:
  • No explicit recommendation is given for the maximum observation time for the TFRM proposals, although the public observation time is smaller than for TJO.
  • The TFRM operates with a longpass filter above 475 nm and with a 4k x 4k front-illuminated CCD camera that provides a Field of View of 4.4º x 4.4º and a resolution of 3.9"/pixel (see below for further details). Raw images are provided.
  • If you have doubts regarding TFRM please contact Jorge Núñez <jorge@fqa.ub.edu>
Do not hesitate to contact us at <obsmontsec@ieec.cat> if you have doubts.

Kike Herrero
Director of OdM